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Seven YCH


2006 年授予台灣 BenQ 全國銀獎時,評審這麼評述他的作品。

“Profound images, as beautiful as music and rhythm”, quoted by the judge while presenting him the BenQ National Award in Taiwan in 2006.

Seven YCH,台灣台中人。於 90 年代大學就讀期間開始當代藝術攝影的修業。2002 年獲北京電影學院導演專業碩士學位。 一直以來,他持續在亞洲、歐洲和北美,完成了不同的攝影系列。   Seven YCH 透過創作,探索被攝對象的相對符號意涵與價值。他喜歡混亂間的秩序,寒冷裡的溫暖,從渺小描繪廣袤,從確定找尋抽象。他認為詩意是實現人類存在性的必要關鍵。近年來,他潛入揉雜內在和外顯景觀的新領域,啟動了心理層面的現實敘事,陸續展示嶄新的影像、媒材、與裝置,他稱之為心相作品。   他的攝影作品曾於各式媒體報導和出版,並在國際著名展覽與畫廊展出。他的作品也分別獲得台灣國立美術館和IPA(國際攝影獎)的優選與入圍殊榮,並為全世界的藏家與企業所收藏。   Seven YCH 同時是一位獲得文學獎肯定的詩人與作者。此外,他執導的紀錄片獲得了中國國家銀獎,並獲美國奧斯汀電影節遴選放映。自 2017 年以來,Seven YCH 還以策展人之姿擴展他對當代藝術的熱情,並在台北舉辦了多個當代藝術展覽。

Seven YCH was born in Taiwan. He started to practice his modern art photography while he was at the university in the 90‘s. He graduated with M.A. in film-directing from Beijing Film Academy in 2002. He has had different photography series taken in Asia, Europe and North America. Seven YCH is interested in exploring the contrary meaning and value in the objects he photographs. He likes to embrace the warmth in the coldness and serendipity amidst chaos, to evoke immensity from insignificance and abstract from certainty. He believes the only thing that can fulfill the emptiness is the poetic sentiment. In late years, he dives into new territory of mixing inner and outer landscapes, depicting the realities of mental layers, and comes out with intriguing unique images of he-called mind-lens stories. His photography has been reported and published via various media, exhibited internationally in famous exhibitions and galleries. His art has been honorably-mentioned by the National Art Museum Taiwan and IPA (International Photography Award), and has been collected by private corp. as well as collectors all over the world. Seven YCH is, at the same time, a literature-award-wining poet/writer. In addition, the documentaries directed by him have won the National Silver Prize in China and been selected to screening in Austin Film Festival in the USA. Seven YCH has also extended his passion for contemporary art as a curator and held several popular exhibitions in Taipei Taiwan since 2017.

【 Three Chairs 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 低限 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 動詞 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 樹形 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 青鳥 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 青鳥-2 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 海拔 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 時代】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 俗世的盛冕 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH
【 俗世的盛冕-2 】  I  攝影  I  Seven YCH

獲獎│ 2007  國際攝影大獎 | 入圍 | 建築與室內裝飾項目、          美術與靜物項目、特殊與其他項目、自然與樹木          項目,兒童項目,家庭項目,肖像項目等。 2006  國立美術館青年典藏項目 | 優選 其他│ ​ 2006  彷彿飛翔一樣自由 | 銀獎 | BenQ 真善美獎 | 台北 2006  被記憶的或被遺忘的 | 正式放映 | 紀錄片 |           奧斯汀電影節 | 德州 2002  異鄉的俳句 | 銀獎 | 紀錄片 | 東方衛視 | 上海 1998  感官之說 | 金獎 | 新詩 | 金駱駝獎 | 台北 策展│ ​ 2020  木佐的綠光 | 麗晶酒店 | 台北 2019  茶閱讀 | 誠品書店、七三茶堂 | 台北 2019  巴別塔慶典 | Woolloomooloo 畫廊 | 台北 2018  俗世的聖冕#2:終於現身的動物性 |台北 ​展覽│ ​ 2020  坎特伯里今日故事#2  | 福爾摩沙藝術博覽會 | 台北 2020  坎特伯里今日故事#1 | 聯展 | 台中藝術博覽會 | 台中 2019  俗世的聖冕#1:想像的質地 | 巴黎藝術博覽會 | 巴黎 2018  俗世的聖冕#2:終於現身的動物性 | 台北 2017  俗世的聖冕#1:想像的質地 | 台北 2014  存有 |  台北 2008  低限 |  紐約亞洲藝術博覽會 / 林肯中心 | 紐約市 2007  春遊 |  台中 2007  海拔 |  曼谷

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